It will deal damage to enemies in front of you and has a 50% Critical Hit chance. If you have any questions or concerns you can contact us directly via email at [email protected] or using the contact form on our About Us page. This skill is your 200% Black Spirit Rage skill. I recommend experimenting with your add-ons and figuring out what is best for you, because it really depends on your personal preference and how you play your class. L ahn is one of the most enjoyable BDO classes, and the top recommendation for any beginner! Lahn is a martial artist class who uses the crescent pendulum to fight. The more challenging matchups tend to be Sorc’s and other Lahns. Investing in this set may slow you down in your progression towards softcap, but is much cheaper once you factor in repairing and enhancing. Draughts / Elixirs Giant’s or Beast’s Draughts should cover most of your needs, especially in lower AP/DP areas. [Soul Ascent IV] and [Flow: Sacred Dance III]. Primary Weapons:Rosar Crescent PendulumThe Rosar Crescent Pendulum is what you should be aiming for to level your character. You want to aim for DUO/TRI Witch’s Earrings (9 AP/11 AP) before swapping to a DUO Tungrad Earrings (11 AP) because of the huge difference in cost. Once you get used to how to use them all, you will have an easier time with CCing a target.Recommended CC’s to catch a target: Risky CC catches; use them if you feel confident: You probably shouldn’t use these to catch a target, they work into the middle of combos: Lahn has A LOT of protection. When you start the Game you should stick with doing the Main Questline for a while as it gives you an introduction to the game and provides you with some starter items. The main thing about Lahn is that she has so many utilities you can use to start combos. 25% – Lackluster, takes too much time to charge, and already has SA without BSR. Lahn can still be played effectively in node war when in the right hands. Ideally you will want to buy or make it ultimate (yellow) to close the AP difference as well. It is a low damage skill used for regenerating your WP or gathering up monsters. As Armor Pieces you should choose one of the following: Accessories: Get a full Asula Accessory set when starting out. Nimbus Dismount[SHIFT] + [A] OR [D] during Nimbus Stride. Whitedragon says: April 18, 2019 at 11:58 am. Reply. NO! Using this skill from your hotbar will switch you from awakening to pre-awakening instantly. It's such a lazy sloppy transition. The skill has super armor when used and will stun up to 10 targets (at max rank). Honestly I’d recommend buying due to new gear introduced on page 2. The best in slot armor is Griffon’s Helmet, Dim Tree Spirit’s Armor, Bheg’s Gloves and Urugon’s Shoes. You will want to upgrade it to PRI or higher as soon as possible. It takes a long time to get to this stage, and there are lots of small improvements and other accessories you will use along the way, but this is ideally your softcap build for PVP. Offhand Weapons:Ascending Noble SwordAscending Noble Sword is your accuracy offhand and also has a bit of DP. Lahn. The Kutum dagger can also be modified using an Inverted Hearth of Garmoth to give extra stats (Max HP +150, Max Stamina +100, Special Attack Evasion Rate +10%). Three Point Stipple[LMB] during Cymbidium. For example, (HOLD Q) means you hold Q until the next step. For example, [Q] + [LMB] > [F] means you tap Q and LMB at the same time, then tap F. [LMB] refers to left-clicking with your mouse, [RMB] refers to right-clicking with your mouse. This has super armor and will pull the target towards you. Most likely won't make any changes (especially since my friend and wife both like her a lot), but its nice to see what people think Reply. In addition, a DP -15 for 10 sec debuff will be applied on the enemy if successful. Otherwise, you can look through the Crystals and take whatever you think might be useful. It also has a critical hit rate of +50%. You will also get higher Accuracy, Evasion and Damage Reduction from these pieces. Thank you to everyone who has supported us. Keys separated by a “+” symbol should be used at the same time. The only ways to obtain this weapon is through the quest or night vendor. I would recommend getting it to TRI at most and then you really want to switch to Kzarka. Any opinions of the tamer above? It also has a floating and air smash on good hits. But but but Crit! If you consume a Draught Elixir whilst another one has already been used, it will replace the first Draught Elixir. You then want to swap to a DUO Serap’s or PRI Ogre/Tungrad. Remember you can engage from other skills, and don’t have to use grab. For example: instead of using Elixir of Shock x3, you can use Elixir of Strong Shock x1. The skill has forward guard when you use the skill and then super armor during the attack animation. Trash Spots Due to her mobility, she is one of the fastest grinders in trash spots and you will perform well in any spot you pick. You should really adapt the guide and follow your own instincts to match your play-style! The grab can also be used while in pre-awakening to switch to your awakening weapon and use the skill instantly. Node Wars Lahn is a class that has below-average performance in node war compared to other classes. These are the minimum skills I recommend putting on your hotbar, Awakening: Blade of Blood, Blood Moon Twist, White Heron, Spring Breeze, Eyes of Blood/Phoenix Chase, Salp’uri Purge, Flow: Vice, Flow: Sacred DanceSuccession: Blade of Blood, White Heron, Eyes of Blood/Phoenix Chase, Salp’uri Purge, Flow: Sacred Dance. Dandelion Glaives It’s kinda ridiculous. The only downside to this offhand is that it only has 1 crystal slot and is not considered best in slot. The Capotia Earring is also worth mentioning. However, the Dragon Slayer weapons cannot be placed on the marketplace and must be crafted by the player themselves. The weapon cannot be enhanced with Caphras stones though. Offin Tett can be good when you reach certain AP brackets and if your class doesn’t depend on accuracy as much as others, but if you’re unsure whether you should be using this weapon or not, it’s much safer to just use Kzarka. You will also receive a +10 of this weapon when you complete your awakening quests. Lahn is also especially good in cannon teams or as a flex member. Shai Shai is a a support class that has both combat and buff abilities. The best armor in the game is currently dropped from Bosses. As well as the Sanguine petal outfit worth around 500m? End-game build – [LINK]Here is what to eventually aim for. You can customize the messages that are shown. The Lahn class is a martial artist who comes from Eastern Valencia. You can read our BDO accessories guide if you don’t know how to obtain the Asula set. Kzarka Crescent Pendulum Kzarka is the main weapon you will be using. You’re gonna need to hotbar skills. Kutum Noble Sword This sword gives a mixture of AP and DP with added monster damage and accuracy. You can get away with using a Green/Blue grade TRI Ultimate weapon without losing too much damage. There are a lot of choices available when it comes to accessories and it really depends on what you can get your hands on. While it serves various functions, houses can also show off your creativity and style. Urugon’s Shoes (shoes) – dropped from Urugon (Gaifinrasia Raid Captain Scroll). I love Lahn! It can be used to gap close very quickly and has high mobility. The combination of her ability to keep the packs cc’d, her DP debuff and her burst allows her to pull a really good trash loot amount. This buff lets you phantom dance->side step INFINITELY due to using no stamina, while the buff is active. Damage is pretty bad at low AP. The skill is automatically leveled up once you reach level 15. The Black Spirit Rage of the skill can be used in large scale PVP but is not particulary useful in a 1v1 or small scale situation. Otherwise use Bares rings for 2 AP and switch to Mark of Shadow as soon as possible for the 5 AP. This is my hotbar, you’re gonna need the same skills on your hotbar. Marcel van Timmeren Cron Draughts will replace any elixir buffs you have used and cannot be stacked with other elixirs (excluding Perfume of Courage, Perfume of Swiftness, Elixir of Deep Sea, Khalk’s Elixir, Spirit Perfume Elixir, Whale Tendon Elixir or Tough Whale Tendon Elixir). This skill is your mobility skill while in awakening. Dim Tree Spirit’s Armor (chest) – dropped from Dim Tree Spirit. But that Video of that 213 AP Lahn doing Aakman…. Griffon’s Helmet (helmet) – dropped from Griffons in Kamaslyvia. Enhancing a Bares Necklace is much cheaper than using an un-enhanced BiS necklace. This skill is better used in the middle of a combo because it doesn’t have any protection on it and can be very risky to use on its own. This skill is best used in the middle of a combo for additional CC since it does not have any protection. Full Heve set is also a very popular choice because it has an easier transition to boss gear whilst. How to Get Contribution Points in BDO. You should focus on enhancing your weapons first and then your armor. It must be crafted using items in Star’s End and then following a questline. So, tell us , which one fascinates you? Lahns are agile and quick on their feet, and can quickly deliver devastating attacks by swinging their Crescent Pendulum. Hello guys im pretty new to BDO, as you may know from the title i play Ninja. This skill is your 100% Black Spirit Rage skill. Here is a little Guideline in terms of gear progression you can orientate yourself on. At level 56, the Lahn unlocks their awakening weapon which is the Crimson Glaives, duel wield blades attatched with a chain. This class excells in 1v1 situations but when in mass PVP it is much harder to stay protected and do high damage at the same time. Using either of these skills from your hotbar will switch you from awakening to pre-awakening instantly. This skill is an excellent gap closer with high range. I was in guild with dulfy, with time many members lost interest … I highly recommend using BDOPLANNER.COM to help you plan your build and track your progression. Here are some examples of common high-end setups: What some of us Aakman dweller run: Armor – 2x HAN Hoom Gloves – 2x JIN Viper Shoes – 2x Red Battlefield Adamantine Helmet – 2x HAN Hoom Mind that we may get changes to Aakman ccs so you may want to hold back on buying Adamantine, Another option: Armor – 2x HAN Hoom Gloves – 2x JIN Viper Shoes – 1x Red Battlefield Adamantine and 1x WON Hystria Helmet – 2x HAN Hoom, Setup in combination with a Fiery Offhand Armor – 2x Magic Crystal of Infinity – Evasion Gloves – 2x JIN Viper Shoes – 2x HAN Hoom Helmet – 2x HAN Hoom. Another advantage of using this set is that it is viable on any class, allowing you to swap to another class easily. Flow: Mangler[LMB] during Tuanting Death OR [LMB] + [RMB] after Bleeding Hearts. Aakman AP TET Kutum – Trashloot 240 AP – 4200 247 AP – 4600 260 AP – 5000 261 AP – 5400 Hystria AP TET Nouver – Trashloot – Rotation 269 – 2400 – Main/Elten Sycria Abyssal AP TET Kutum – Trashloot – Rotation 269 – 2300 – Statue, Stars End AP TET Kutum – Trashloot 269 – 3000, Pre Awakened Skill Build(Before Level 56), Lahn Level 56 Skill Build – 600 SKill Points, BDO Black Desert Gear Guide For Beginners/Noobs 2020, BDO Kamasylvia Daily Peridot Routine Quests, BDO Guide To Getting Master 2 Or Artisan 2 Trading, BDO Sailing Sea Monster Hunting Guide 2020, Black Desert Online Node Guide For Beginners, BDO How To Get More Max Weight Life-skills/Processing, Black Desert Online BDO Dark Knight Guide 2020, Epic Seven How To Increase Friendship Guide 2020, PvP and PvE for a damage boost through crit, Black Desert Online BDO Yona’s Fragment Guide, Hercules Might Armor – additional weight limit. Check out the videos below to see some examples of the Lahn in action. You can basically rotate super armor permanently. Black Desert Online Facecam overlay pack. This skill is an extension of other skill and will stun enemies on a good hit. Q in pre-awakening: A smaller buff, but definitely has it’s used. The best are very good in PvP, but the main … Like a lawnmower *For people*, the Musa is capable of mowing down hordes of undergeared, underleveled, under-practiced opponents in large scale pvp. Grunil Armor is the most popular piece of armor in Black Desert Online due to its versatility. Global Lab Updates – 4th February 2021 4th Feb 2021; Hashashin Class Guide 30th Jan 2021; Lahn Class Guide 30th Jan 2021; Global Lab Updates – 28th January 2021 28th Jan 2021; Transfer of Service to Pearl Abyss (EU/NA PC) 27th Jan 2021; … Thats cool Everyone likes different stuff, so can't expect the looks to be for everyone. This has super armor and will pull the target towards you. All though she is super protected in 1v1, her ability to protect herself and do damage at the same time is minimal and she is one of the squishier classes in the game. Not useful in 1v1. My AP is 97 and my DP is 105. The only downside to this offhand is that it only has 1 crystal slot and is not considered best in slot. It makes a perfect backup for enhancing and is essentially a free TRI Ring of Crescent Guardian. Lahn’s BSR kinda suck. Using this skill from your hotbar will switch you from awakening to pre-awakening instantly. If you’re looking to enhance, start with the left image, if you like to buy stuff, buy the weapons/armor in the right image. Another alternative is to use is the Akum set. Overall not as fun as being in-the-fray, but what can you do. This skill can be used during Cymbidium to deal extra damage. By careful manipulation of the swinging motion, they can even … How to install & play BDO Mobile (KR) WTFast VPN Ping Reduction (JP) Global Labs Guide New; Tweets by BDFoundry . The skill deals high damage and has super armor when being used. Sahazad’s Ring of Monarch is also available through the Valencia part I and II quests. Flow: Vice[RMB] during 2nd hit of Tailspin. All e-mails from the system will be sent to this address. This skill can be used on its own or during Bridled Despair/Flailing Blades by pressing LMB and RMB. Recommended to lock. You want to aim to get TRI as soon as possible and then work on your accessories. Over detected fix you lyrics. Then you will want to move on to putting level 2 into each armor piece before getting them all up to level 4 as well. This skill is deals high damage and has bound and down smash on good hits. For PVP, it is recommended to use Exquisite Cron meal because it is now better than using a four food rotation. Post-Awakening skill build – Level 56 (591 skill points): skill build (without Absolute Skills) – Level 60 (1239 skill points): This skill is the lahn “flying” skill. Both give a forward guard which is much needed in the awakening kit. It takes a long time to get to this stage, and there are lots of small improvements and other accessories you will use along the way, but this is ideally your end game build for PVP. Food Exquisite Cron Meal or Energized Cron Meal For xp grinds Simple Cron Meal. There are different options for Offhand Crystals depending on your personal preference: Magic Crystal of Infinity – Critical Hit Works well for PvP and PvE for a damage boost through crit, Corrupted Magic Crystal basically an enhanced version of the blue crit crystals, Awakened Spirit’s Crystal/ Valtarra Spirit’s Crystal Another option for PvP and PvE and the 150 HP per Crystal add some survivability. You also have forward guard while using the skill. Nouver (PvP) or Kutum (PvE) Noble Sword, Accessories: Ruins Rings – Ring of the Crescent Guardian – Capotia Ring Ogre Ring – Laytenn’s Power Stone – Tungrad Necklace Basilisks Belt – Valtarra Eclipsed Belt – Tungrad Belt Witch Earrings – Tungrad Earrings. This skill can be used during Nimbus Stride. Sidestep after Flow: Vice into Deadly Dance to help this. The Lahn class uses melee to mid range to slash at their enemies and quickly burst them down. Your awakening weapon still effects your succession damage but is not as much of a priority. The skill has super armor when used and will inflcit bound as well as knocking back up to 7 targets (at max rank). Selling North America 60+ Multiple Characters BDO Account for Sale - NA, 61 Ninja/Lahn, 600 of pearl items, 1 bil liquid, 8 bil unliq. Leveling build – [LINK]Here is what to aim for when leveling and before you get your boss gear. This skill is better used in the middle of a combo because it doesn’t have any protection on it and can be very risky to use on its own. This weapon has lower AP than the other options but it is still viable for PvE due to it’s Damage Against Every Species +5 item effect. Whether facing enemies head-on or raining death from above, she is skilled at delivering powerful attacks from a distance. On the flip side, she performs well when she picks fights with stragglers, partakes in smaller skirmishes and can also disrupt backlines extremely well. I Terms and Conditions I Privacy Policy I Manage Cookie Settings I About Us. Set Effect: Accuracy +20Accuracy 4Damage Reduction 3, Knockdown/ Bound Resistance +30%Accuracy 4, Knockdown/ Bound Resistance +2%Accuracy 4, Stun/Stiffness/ Freezing Resistance +30%Accuracy 4, Stun/Stiffness/ Freezing Resistance +2%Accuracy 4, Resistance to all status anomalies +10%Accuracy 4, Resistance to all status anomalies +1%Accuracy 4, Knockback/ Floating Resistance +30%Accuracy 4, Knockback/ Floating Resistance +2%Accuracy 4. You want to aim for a PRI/DUO Tree Spirit Belt before swapping to DUO Basilisk’s because it is much cheaper and easier to get hold of. Take advantage of them! You can outgrind a shai on lahn or many of the other classes. They use a Crescent Pendulum as their primary weapon and a Noble Sword as their secondary weapon. The skill has a down smash and super armor when being used. This skill allows you to swap between your main hand and awakening weapon. The skill will pull the target towards you and knock them back as well as inflicting bound on them. I hope you have fun! Lee Strebel If it successfully hits it’s targets, you will inflict bleeding damage and stun targets. This is the preferred option out of the two because it has super armor as well as a -20 DP debuff, while Blade of Souls does not have protection on the skill and instead has a stiffen and knockdown. This skill can be used during Cymbidium to add extra damage. … Well, if you have just started, let us take you the tour! You have a lot of movement! Otherwise use Bares Belt for 2 AP and swap to Tree Spirit Belt as soon as possible for more AP and high accuracy. 60 Lahn was my main at Master Cooking 16, you can see I still have tons of materials in storage, there's more in other storages but I didn't take pics of it.,,,,,,, You should aim to have TRI gear before switching to this offhand. Using White Heron from your hotbar will switch you from awakening to pre-awakening instantly as well. Slash It has forward guard when being used (on 1 hit) and will will inflict bound on good hits and down smash on good extra hit. This skill must go on your quickslot hotbar and will inflict stiffness on up to 10 targets. You will also get higher Accuracy, Evasion and Damage Reduction from these pieces. (Some parts of this guide, such as succession skill descriptions are skill under development and will be coming at a later date, you can easily find this information in-game). Core skills are usually down to preference but most Lahn players choose between Deadly Dance or the Furor core skill.