Le Master 2, mention Droit Privé, parcours type Droit Privé Fondamental, assure une formation à la fois généraliste et approfondie dans les principales branches du droit privé, au moyen dâune approche théorique et pratique. Site de l'Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne. This program is designed for all, regardless of their country of origin or citizenship. 07, the Département des Etudes Internationales, Européennes et Comparatives. The DSU is addressed to students who hold already a degree in legal studies in their home countries. ... MS/LLM Droit et Management International. Master's programs MS/LLM Droit et Management International MS/LLM Droit et Management International . Tout au long de l'année nous vous proposerons des présentations des étudiants et des membres du corps enseignant ainsi quâun suivi de l'activité du Master. The Faculté de Droit of Lille Catholic University (FLD) offers on its two campuses located in Lille and Paris (Issy-les-Moulineaux) university courses in law (Law Degree , Masters 1 and Masters 2 of Law), alternating training and continuing education. Programme, admission, intervenants, où nous rencontrer, témoignages des anciens étudiants du diplôme, ainsi que la présentation du concours "Willem C. Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot". . Le Master 2 Indifférencié Droit privé général de lâUniversité Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne sâinscrit dans une longue tradition dâexcellence. Pour plus d'informations sur la formation, vous pouvez visiter, en plus de notre site, la page du Master sur le site de l'Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne. Cette association a été créée et est administrée par les étudiants du Master 2 "Droit pénal et pratique du droit pénal" (faculté Jean Monnet de Sceaux), co-dirigé par Madame le Professeur Haritini MATSOPOULOU et Monsieur le Professeur Stéphane DETRAZ. Paris makes so many contributions to modern society in a variety of ways; fashion, science, art, media, politics, and entertainment, so any student can find a Master in Paris to suit their professional interests. En intégrant ce Master, vous rejoignez également lâUniversité PSL.Classée parmi les 50 premières universités mondiales (THE, QS), PSL offre des formations graduées dâexcellence, aux niveaux Master et Doctorat, qui sâappuient sur les forces scientifiques de tous ses établissements-composantes. Site de l'Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne. Toutes les informations sur le Master 2 Droit International Economique de l'Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne (enseignement, enseignants, Q&A...) Association des Juristes de Droit International Economique This intensive progam in law and international management aimed at high-level jurists. DSU : Master-level University degrees in Law. Elle est professeur des universités catholiques depuis 2015, permanente de la Faculté depuis septembre 2010, directrice du Master 2 droit international et européen parcours droit des affaires et de la concurrence, co-directrice de lâInternational and European Law School (IELS), permanente de la Faculté et membre du C3RD. Considered as the top University in the field of Law in France, University Paris II Panthéon-Assascreated specific Master-level juridical degrees designed especially for international students. HEC Paris Finland: 17 . Marie GORÉ, Professor at the University Panthéon-Assas (Paris 2), is the current Director. Master 2 Droit des Affaires (Paris II Assas) Enseñanza superior Paris, Île-de-France 114 seguidores Page entreprise du Master 2 Droit des Affaires - Université Paris II Assas sous la direction du Professeur Daniel Cohen. The DSU offers a complementary qualification to initial higher education training and can also constitute a most adapted preparatory year for students aiming to enter a second year Master’s degree in France. Economy Management. (0) Master 2 Global Business Law and Governance (Columbia, Hongkong, Melbourne) Consultez notre liste des 787 formations de type Master référencées à Paris. This Master in International Security at PSIA focuses on gathering the tools and knowledge to best apprehend and analyse issues in the international security field in the 21st century : changes in the international environment (remodelling of geopolitical systems, new forms of crises and conflicts, controversial military interventions, transnational terrorism, nuclear proliferation, cyberwarfare, etc. Bienvenue sur le site du Master 2 droit des affaires internationales de l'Université Paris II Panthéon-Assas ! Bienvenue à l'IDAI, Paris au Caire. Pour ce faire, elle organise des rencontres entre les professionnels du droit pénal des affaires (Avocats, Magistrats, Auxiliaires de Justice) et les étudiants. Master 2 Financial Law has 1 job listed on their profile. LâAssociation du Master 2 Droit Pénal International et des Affaires de lâUniversité Paris 1 est chargée de promouvoir la première formation de droit pénal des affaires de lâUniversité. LE MASTER. The DSU is addressed to students who hold already a degree in legal studies in their home countries. All degrees are recognized by the State in agreement with the Toulouse 1 University. All degrees enable our students to develop a thorough knowledge in comparative law or European law. 1 Rue de la Libération 78350 Jouy-en-Josas - +33. La candidature se fait en ligne, sur eCandidat, en suivant ce lien. ... HEC Paris. Located in the heart of Paris, Université Panthéon-Assas (Paris II) offers a unique LLM in European Law with insight into the legal and political significance of the European Union. See the complete profile on LinkedIn and discover Master 2 Financial Lawâs connections and jobs at similar companies. Université Panthéon-Assas (Paris II) ⦠Lâannuaire de toutes les formations de type Master à Paris (Paris ). Reposant sur un partenariat entre HEC Paris et lâUniversité de Paris I Panthéon Sorbonne, ce master accueille des étudiants désireux dâaccéder à une double maitrise du droit et du management. View Master 2 Financial Law University Paris 1 - Panthéon-Sorbonneâs profile on LinkedIn, the worldâs largest professional community. Le Master 2 Droit International et Européen des Affaires (DIEA). ), conflict-ridden regions and the specific internal transformations in security and defence activities (speci⦠Gestion. L'équipe de l'Institut de Droit des Affaires Internationales (IDAI) est heureuse de vous accueillir sur le site du master 2 Droit International et Européen des Affaires (DIEA). Western Europe Ranking master International Business law Discover the best master ranking in International Business law. Un Master 2 de l'Université Paris 1, enseigné au sein de l'Université du Caire. Le master de droit fiscal est une formation d'excellence en deux ans (M1 et M2) amenant à une haute spécialisation en fiscalité nationale, internationale et européenne délivré par la faculté de droit de l'Université Paris Est Créteil. Professional Master's Degree in Law, main option: Administration and Public Policies, Professional Master's Degree in Law, main option: Art Market Law and the Law of Artistic Patrimony (Private Law), Professional Master's Degree in Law, main option: Art Market Law and the Law of Artistic Patrimony (Public Law), Professional Master's Degree in Law, main option: Banking and Finance Law, Professional Master's Degree in Law, main option: Business Law and Management, Professional Master's Degree in Law, main option: Business Law and Taxation, Professional Master's Degree in Law, main option: Communication Law (Private Law), Professional Master's Degree in Law, main option: Communication Law (Public Law), Professional Master's Degree in Law, main option: Company Law and Company Tax Law, Professional Master's Degree in Law, main option: Criminology, Professional Master's Degree in Law, main option: Employment and Social Welfare Law and Workplace Relations, Professional Master's Degree in Law, main option: EU Law and Litigation, Professional Master's Degree in Law, main option: European Business Law, Professional Master's Degree in Law, main option: Human Rights and Humanitarian Law, Professional Master's Degree in Law, main option: Insurance Law, Professional Master's Degree in Law, main option: International Administration, Professional Master's Degree in Law, main option: International Business Law, Professional Master's Degree in Law, main option: International Economic Law, Professional Master's Degree in Law, main option: Labour Relations: Law and Practice, Professional Master's Degree in Law, main option: Litigation, Arbitration and Alternative Dispute Resolution, Professional Master's Degree in Law, main option: Multimedia and Computer Law, Professional Master's Degree in Law, main option: Notarial Law, Professional Master's Degree in Law, main option: Public Economic Law, Professional Master's Degree in Law, main option: Public health and welfare law, Professional Master's Degree in Law, main option: Public health and welfare law I, Professional Master's Degree in Law, main option: Public health and welfare law II, Professional Master's Degree in Law, main option: Real Estate and Construction Law, Professional Master's Degree in Law, main option: Sociology of law and legal communication, Professional Master's Degree in Law, main option: Tax Law, Research Master's Degree in Law, main option: Administration and Public Policies, Research Master's Degree in Law, main option: Advanced Business Law, Research Master's Degree in Law, main option: Advanced Public Law, Research Master's Degree in Law, main option: Business Law, Research Master's Degree in Law, main option: Communication Law (Private Law), Research Master's Degree in Law, main option: Communication Law (Public Law), Research Master's Degree in Law, main option: Comparative European Law, Research Master's Degree in Law, main option: Comparative Public Law, Research Master's Degree in Law, main option: Criminal Law and Criminal Sciences, Research Master's Degree in Law, main option: Criminology, Research Master's Degree in Law, main option: Defence and Security, Research Master's Degree in Law, main option: Employment and Social Welfare Law, Research Master's Degree in Law, main option: EU Law and Litigation, Research Master's Degree in Law, main option: European legal expert, Research Master's Degree in Law, main option: French and European Legal Culture, Research Master's Degree in Law, main option: French and Swiss Law, Research Master's Degree in Law, main option: General Private Law, Research Master's Degree in Law, main option: history of law (private law), Research Master's Degree in Law, main option: history of law (public law), Research Master's Degree in Law, main option: Human Rights and Humanitarian Law, Research Master's Degree in Law, main option: Industrial Property, Research Master's Degree in Law, main option: International Business Law, Research Master's Degree in Law, main option: International Private Law and International Business Law, Research Master's Degree in Law, main option: International Public Law, Research Master's Degree in Law, main option: International Relations, Research Master's Degree in Law, main option: international relations, Research Master's Degree in Law, main option: International Taxation, Research Master's Degree in Law, main option: justice system and trial procedure law, Research Master's Degree in Law, main option: Law and Economics, Research Master's Degree in Law, main option: Legal Consultant for Authorities with Devolved Powers, Research Master's Degree in Law, main option: literary, artistic and industrial property law, Research Master's Degree in Law, main option: Management of personal and business assets, Research Master's Degree in Law, main option: philosophy of law and political law, Research Master's Degree in Law, main option: security and defence, Research Master's Degree in Law, main option: Social uses of the law and legal communication, Research Master's Degree in Law, main option: social uses of the law and legal communication, Research Master's Degree in Law, main option: Tax Law, Professional Master's Degree in Economics and Management: Main option - Defence and Defence Industry Dynamics, Professional Master's Degree in Economics and Management: Main option - Economic Engineering, Professional Master's Degree in Economics and Management: Main option - Economics and Law, Specialisation: Managerial and Industrial Economics, Professional Master's Degree in Economics and Management: Main option - Economics and Law, Specialisation: International Economic Governance, Professional Master's Degree in Economics and Management: Main option - Economics and Law, Specialisation: Money, Banking and Finance, Professional Master's Degree in Economics and Management: Main option - Finance, Professional Master's Degree in Economics and Management: Main option - Human Resources Management and Labour Relations, Professional Master's Degree in Economics and Management: Main option - Monetary and Banking Macroeconomics, Professional Master's Degree in Economics and Management: Main option - Coaching - Personal Development in the Corporate Environment, Professional Master's Degree in Economics and Management: Main option - Corporate Strategies and Organizational Economics, Professional Master's Degree in Economics and Management: Main option - Human Resource Management and Public Management, Professional Master's Degree in Economics and Management: Main option - International Human Resource Management, Professional Master's Degree in Economics and Management: Main option - Management and New Technologies in Information Systems, Professional Master's Degree in Economics and Management: Main option - Marketing and Corporate Communication, Professional Master's Degree in Economics and Management: Main option - Network Economics: competition, regulation and strategy, Professional Master's Degree in Economics and Management: Main option - Public Economics, Professional Master's Degree in Economics and Management: Main option - Supply Chain Management, Professional Master's Degree in Economics and Management: Main option - Trade and International Management, Professional Master's Degree in Economics: Main option - Legal and Economic Expertise in Information Systems, Research Master's Degree in Economics and Management: Main option - Economics and Law; main option: Managerial and Industrial Economics, Research Master's Degree in Economics and Management: Main option - Corporate Strategies and Organizational Economics, Research Master's Degree in Economics and Management: Main option - Economics and Law; main option: International Economic Governance, Research Master's Degree in Economics and Management: Main option - Economics and Law; main option: Money, Banking and Finance, Research Master's Degree in Economics and Management: Main option - Monetary and Banking Macroeconomics, Research Master's Degree in Economics and Management: Main option - Network Economics: competition, regulation and strategy, Research Master's Degree in Economics and Management: Main option - Public Economics, Research Master's Degree in Economics and Management: Main option - Research in Management, Professional Master's Degree in Management: Main option - Strategic Management and Entrepreneurship, Professional Master's Degree: Main option - Banking and Financial Techniques, Professional Master's Degree: Main option - Human Resource Management and Labour Relations, Professional Master's Degree: Main option - Marketing and Corporate Communication, Professional Master's Degree in Political and Social Sciences: Main option - Journalism, Professional Master's Degree in Political and Social Sciences: Main option - The Media and Globalisation, Professional Master's Degree in Social and Political Sciences, main option: adminitration and public policies, Professional Master's Degree in Social and Political Sciences, main option: communication and multimedia, Professional Master's Degree in Social and Political Sciences, main option: defence and defence industry, Professional Master's Degree in Social and Political Sciences, main option: international relations, Professional Master's Degree in Social and Political Sciences, main option: media, audiences and digital cultures, Professional Master's Degree in Social and Political Sciences, main option: public health and welfare law, Professional Master's Degree in Social and Political Sciences, main option: security and defence, Research Master's Degree in Political and Social Sciences: Main option - The Media and Globalisation, Research Master's Degree in Political and Social Sciences: Main option - The Media, Language and Society, Research Master's Degree in Political and Social Sciences: Main option - The Media, Publics and Digital Cultures, Research Masters's Degree in Social and Political Sciences, main option: administration and public policies, Research Masters's Degree in Social and Political Sciences, main option: defence and security, Research Masters's Degree in Social and Political Sciences, main option: international relations, Research Masters's Degree in Social and Political Sciences, main option: philosophy of law and political law, Research Masters's Degree in Social and Political Sciences, main option: political studies.