run the gauntlet of [sth] v expr verbal expression: Phrase with special meaning functioning as verb--for example, "put their heads together," "come to an end." GRAMMAR A-Z ; SPELLING ; PUNCTUATION ; WRITING TIPS ; USAGE ; EXPLORE . World News SBS, 4 March 2019 "You’ve run the gauntlet into the school hall and are at the ballot box with a tiny pencil. Gauntlets are familiar to us today as the stout leather gloves used for gardening and the like. See also main entry: gauntlet See also main entry: gauntlet Thesaurus Trending Words. 1; noun run the gauntlet … Idioms with the same or similar meaning . य होना' which can be transliterated into english as 'alocna ka vishay hona'. Triple gauntlet track at Kaufungen, Germany. Second definition is 'झेलना' and its transliteration into Latin is … It is one of the most commonly used expressions in English writings. To run the gauntlet means to take part in a form of corporal punishment in which the party judged guilty is forced to run between two rows of soldiers, who strike out and attack him. … Present participle of run the gauntlet. It is currently unknown why anyone would … Gauntlet in Russia, 1845. Définition run the gauntlet of dans le dictionnaire anglais de définitions de Reverso, synonymes, voir aussi 'gauntlet',gauntlet',take up (or throw down) the gauntlet',gauntlet', expressions, conjugaison, exemples 1.1 Étymologie; 1.2 Locution verbale; 1.3 Prononciation; Anglais [modifier le wikicode] Cette entrée est considérée comme une ébauche à compléter en anglais. Information and translations of run the gauntlet in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web. (verb) What are synonyms for run the gauntlet? Related words and phrases: be a target, be a whipping boy, come to grips with, court disaster, face criticism, face one's punishment, go in harm's way, go through an ordeal, go through fire and water, march up to the cannon's mouth, meet head-on, … figurative (go through difficult trials) atravesar la tormenta expr expresión: Expresiones idiomáticas, dichos, refranes y frases hechas de tres o más palabras … Running the gauntlet amid plumes of water and smoke from attacking Nazi aircraft is this plucky passenger liner - unidentified because of wartime censorship - homeward-bound packed with troops of the Norwegian Expeditionary Force from Namsos to a 'port in northern Britain' (presumably Liverpool) as published on May … Running the gauntlet synonyms, Running the gauntlet pronunciation, Running the gauntlet translation, English dictionary definition of Running the gauntlet. This is the British English definition of run the gauntlet.View American English definition of run the gauntlet. Used other than as an idiom: see run, gauntlet. The gauntlet used in to run the gauntlet is an alteration of the earlier English form gantlope, which came from the Swedish word gatlopp, a compound of gata, "lane," and lopp, "course," a word related to lope and leap. Information and translations of running the gauntlet in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web. (idiomatic) To undergo a series of tests or challenges. put off. Définition, traduction, prononciation, anagramme et synonyme sur le dictionnaire libre Wiktionnaire. The term gauntlet is derived not from gauntlet meaning a type of glove, but from the expression running the gauntlet (originally running the gantlope) which means running between two confining rows of adversaries; gauntlet in this sense is a "corrupt form". With Reverso you can find the English translation, definition or synonym for running the gauntlet and thousands of other words. baptism of fire. Medieval gauntlets were made of even … Wider mainline … 1 Anglais. Running the gauntlet is a phrase meaning "to endure hardship or criticism from many sources at once" or "to endure a prolonged test". You can complete the translation of running the gauntlet given by the English-French Collins dictionary with other dictionaries such as: Wikipedia, Lexilogos, Larousse dictionary, Le Robert, Oxford, … Automatically generated examples: "Australia and Indonesia have signed a landmark free trade deal, but it still needs to run the gauntlet of federal parliament. (verb) Meaning of Run The Gauntlet. en.wiktionary.2016 [verb] Used other than as an idiom: [i]see run, gauntlet… There are 20 levels and each one gets harder. Another word for run the gauntlet. … The phrase throw down the gauntlet, meaning … From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English run the gauntlet run the gauntlet CRITICIZE to be criticized or attacked by a lot of people The foreign secretary ran the gauntlet of demonstrators. 60.1%. Gantlet was the preferred spelling in early use of the phrase run the gauntlet—meaning to suffer punishment by gantlet or to endure an onslaught or ordeal—but gauntlet prevailed by the 18th century. ENGLISH DICTIONARY; SYNONYMS; TRANSLATE; GRAMMAR . run the gauntlet definition in English dictionary, run the gauntlet meaning, synonyms, see also 'gauntlet',take up (or throw down) the gauntlet',gantlet',gaunt'. They include a dog being skinned alive, a baby being run over by a car, and the infamous "three guys one hammer". If you "run the gauntlet" you endure a trial or ordeal. How do you use run the gauntlet in a sentence? What is the meaning of run the gauntlet? [=to run between two rows of men who would hit them with clubs] He had to run the gauntlet … Learner's definition of GAUNTLET [count]: a situation in which someone is attacked, criticized, questioned, etc., by many people — usually used in the phrase run the gauntlet. What does running the gauntlet mean? Likewise, modern speakers use the expression “to take up the gauntlet,” meaning “to accept a challenge.” The word gauntlet in the expression “to run the gauntlet” has nothing to do with the word for glove. Sommaire. baptism by fire. See more. How do you use run the gauntlet in a sentence? Gauntlet definition is - a glove worn with medieval armor to protect the hand. It is written as Vikretā in Roman. A gauntlet is a glove covered in steel that was worn in suits of armor, but it also means punishment or, when "throwing down the gauntlet," a challenge. 88.0%. noun run the gauntlet a former punishment, chiefly military, in which the offender was made to run between two rows of men who struck at him with switches or weapons as he passed. TBC. … What is the meaning of run the gauntlet? Here's an example: Once the media understood the extent of Harry's dancing abilities, he and Mabel couldn't leave the house without running the gauntlet of paparazzi. This … run the gauntlet Definitions. Gauntlet definition, a medieval glove, as of mail or plate, worn by a knight in armor to protect the hand. Run the gauntlet definition: to have to go through a place where people are trying to harm or humiliate you, for... | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples take on. The phrase "run the ____" is frequently completed with another g-word, but to communicate an entirely different meaning. 38.1%. An extreme internet challenge, where you are tasked with watching some of the most horrible videos out there. Used other than as an idiom: see run,‎ gauntlet. Meaning of running the gauntlet. What's the meaning of the phrase 'Run the gauntlet'? Run The Gauntlet is an idiom. Etymology and spelling. The opposite word of Run … A similar-sounding phrase, “to run the gauntlet,” has a completely different origin, deriving from the Swedish word “gatlopp” and Old English “gantlope,” meaning lane course or passageway. Often, to run the gauntlet implies a sort of hazing or initiation: "He had to run the gauntlet like all the other newbies, but he's matured into a solid member around here." It’s a corrupted form of the Swedish word gatlopp, which was borrowed into English with the meaning “military punishment … Today, most writers use gauntlet, though gantlet, which is especially common in American English, is not incorrect.. trial by fire . Find more ways to say run the gauntlet, along with related words, antonyms and example phrases at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. ENGLISH DICTIONARY; SYNONYMS; TRANSLATE; GRAMMAR . Soldiers in the past were sometimes punished by being forced to run the gauntlet. What is the definition of run the gauntlet? run the gauntlet in English translation and definition "run the gauntlet", Dictionary English-English online. What are synonyms for run the gauntlet? Gauntlet definition, meaning and example sentences (nouns). The smell of the P&C sausage … Practical examples. What does running-the-gauntlet mean? GRAMMAR A-Z ; SPELLING ; PUNCTUATION ; WRITING TIPS ; USAGE ; EXPLORE . Run The Gauntlet stands for (idiomatic) To undergo a series of tests or challenges.. 78.7%. Explore Urdupoint to find out more popular Idioms and Idiom Meanings, to amplify your writings 1; noun run the gauntlet the two rows of men administering this punishment. Metaphorically, this expression is also used to express the idea of a public trial that one must overcome. What does run the gauntlet mean? This gauntlet … … run the gauntlet meaning: 1. to have to deal with a lot of people who are criticizing or attacking you: 2. to have to deal…. To go through a series of criticisms or harsh treatments at the hands of one's detractors. Enrich your vocabulary with the English Definition dictionary run the gauntlet. There are also several similar words to Run The Gauntlet in our dictionary, which are Amble, Bound, Break, Canter, Dart, Dash, Drop, Escape, Fall, Flight, Gallop, Jog, Lope, Pace, Race, Rush, Scamper, Scuttle, Spring, Sprint, Spurt, Tear, Trot and Whisk. The correct meaning of Run The Gauntlet in Hindi is झेलना. The Swedish word for this traditional form of punishment, in which two lines of people beat a person forced to run … Learn more. Meaning of run the gauntlet. What does run-the-gauntlet mean? How to define Gauntlet? Definition of run the gauntlet in the dictionary. Si vous possédez quelques … → gauntlet Examples from the Corpus run the gauntlet • So it was rather a question of running the gauntlet when … What's the origin of the phrase 'Run the gauntlet'? How to use gauntlet in a sentence. What is the definition of run the gauntlet? keen on something. 1; noun run the gauntlet an attack from two or all sides. Definition of running the gauntlet in the dictionary. Change your default dictionary to American English.